Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Thank you for the days ...

No news as bad or as shocking
Then to be told that you are ill
Ill, with a deadly disease
Everything shatters...falls apart...
and wat you could think of is giving up
giving up on life...
Knowing you will fail those who depends on you...
it makes you break down...
Everything you have planned shatters in front of you
All these while you have forgotten ...'he' has other plans for you...
We may have everything....but when he takes away this one thing..
we are left with nothing
Thank you God, for the days you have given me
Thank you God, for everything

A nice meaningful song

Afgan - Padamu ku bersujud

Ku menatap dalam kelam
Tiada yang bisa ku lihat
Selain hanya nama-Mu ya Allah

Esok ataukah nanti
Ampuni semua salahku
Lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta
Kau beriku bahagia
Jadikan aku selamanya
Hamba-Mu yang slalu bertakwa

Ampuniku ya Allah
Yang sering melupakan-Mu
Saat Kau limpahkan karunia-Mu
Dalam sunyi aku bersujud

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